RELI: Uniswap Listing and Contract Address
May 17, 2021


Reltie Pools Open on Uniswap

The unicorn is in for a treat. As of 13:00 UTC, May 17th, RELI, the native token of the Relite ecosystem, is listed on Uniswap, the world’s largest decentralised exchange.

RELI on Uniswap

Swap ETH to RELI: Uniswap

You can trade RELI freely on Uniswap here.

The contract address for RELI is 0x0E58ED58E150dba5fd8e5D4A49F54C7e1E880124

Liquidity will initially be in Uniswap V2 prior to migration to V3. If you receive the message ‘No liquidity! Click to trade with V2’, hit that button and you’ll be able to access RELI on Uniswap.

Note: Please be aware that the only contract address for RELI is that stated above. There will be fraudulent versions of RELI. If in doubt, please ask an admin in the Relite Community.

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